Special guest and Executive Chair of the Forward Party Kerry Healey, who served as Lt. Governor of Massachusetts under Mitt Romney, gave a keynote speech as the Party ratified their 2024 candidate slate
On Saturday, April 27, the Utah Forward Party hosted their first convention. The Forward Party of Utah became a recognized minor party after launching a volunteer-driven signature gathering effort. With that recognition and ballot access, the Utah Party put together an exciting list of state and local candidates for the 2024 election cycle.
- John Curtis, UT – CD 3
- David Hinckley, State Senate District 24
- Laura Johnson, State Board of Education
- Nolan Kruse, Salt Lake County Council District 4
- Miles Pomeroy, State Treasurer
- Josh Smith, State House District 15

The Utah Forward Party prioritizes candidates of character over individuals who adhere to a particular party platform. Instead of asking candidates to sign onto a policy-based platform, they are asked to sign onto our values-based platform.
Candidates are asked to pledge to:
- Respect the rule of law and uphold the Constitution
- Support and strengthen democracy and elevate the voice of voters
- Use data to drive collaborative, effective solutions
- Build from the bottom up, not the top down
- Treat everyone with respect and dignity
- Act with ethics, integrity, and compassion
The full version can be read here.