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In Pursuit of Peace: A Call for Unity and Compassion Amidst Global Tragedy

October 7, 2024

On this anniversary of the horrific terrorist attack committed by Hamas, the Forward Party reiterates its condemnation of these actions and believes that all parties should seek an immediate resolution which provides for the safety of the Israeli people, the return of the hostages, and humanitarian access to the Palestinian people.

In these divisive and uncertain times, our response as Americans needs to be united. The world is a more dangerous place without resolute American leadership, and peace is not something that happens without constant vigilance and clear guiding principles to which all nations must adhere. We have undoubtedly fallen short of letting our values guide our actions in the past; that is not a reason to abandon our values, however, but rather to reflect on our failings, to learn, and to do better in the future.

In order to do better, we must find resolution to our own internal strife. National strength might be measured by our military, but it starts with national character—with the moral courage to stand together for the values that have made our country a world leader for so long. The more we fight with and demonize one another at home, the harder it is for America to lead the critical work with our allies across the globe that is needed to restore international rule of law and to establish stability and peace. By succumbing to internal strife, we are letting the enemies of democracy weaken us and our resolve.

The Forward Party’s mission is to unite Americans across political affiliations and beliefs so that we may find shared ground on which to build solutions to the challenges facing our country, both at home and abroad. We cannot be unified if we let our differences divide us, and we must once again find a way to work with each other to move this country and our world forward. At times of adversity, the values that define us as a nation need to shine brightest.

It is our strongest hope that partisan differences in the US can be laid aside in order to exercise a unified foreign policy that can eliminate terrorist attacks on Israel, ensure security for those Palestinians who want a peaceful resolution to this conflict, and support a de-escalation of tensions in the Middle East.