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Battleground States 2024: The Forward Party’s Strategic Momentum

May 12, 2023

The Forward Party has just unveiled its 2024 battleground map, pinpointing our game plan for candidate recruitment across 12 crucial states. This announcement paints a clear picture of our party’s strategic focus at the state and local levels, renewing a sense of purpose and enthusiasm among party members, volunteers, and supporters.

Forward’s unwavering commitment to unity and collaboration is what sets us apart from the conventional political parties that have dominated the scene for far too long. It’s time to shake things up.


  • FORWARD ARIZONA | Chris Hendrickson, “Arizonans are ready for a change. Not just the 1.4 million unaffiliated voters (the largest voting bloc in the state), but tens of thousands of people who feel like their parties have left them behind. There are serious challenges to be addressed – water, housing, education – and our current political gridlock isn’t solving them. The Forward Party can make a real difference for all voters in Arizona in 2024 by introducing viable, credible, and durable local candidates who want to solve problems, not score points for their party leaders. I’m incredibly excited to be a part of this history-changing moment in Arizona!”
  • FORWARD COLORADO | Tiffany Brigner, “Colorado is honored and energized to be identified as one of twelve key states poised for Forward Party growth. The leadership and volunteers in Colorado have worked diligently for the last 10 months to build momentum for a new kind of party in Colorado. We are actively collecting 10,000 signatures to seek minor party status by the end of 2023. We expect this national focus will bring more attention and support to that effort. At 47%, Colorado ranks as one of the highest percentage of unaffiliated registered voters in the US and in 2021 passed legislation which paves the way for cities to adopt Rank Choice voting (RCV). As of the 2022 midterm elections, Colorado now has six cities that have adopted RCV for their municipal elections. Coloradans are ready to have more choice in who they vote for and how they vote for them!”
  • FORWARD ILLINOIS | Justin Castillejos, “Confidence is contagious, and Forward is ready to spread it. I see a legion of curious onlookers, quietly championing our cause, waiting to know that the waters are warm before diving in. That’s why our focus on a select twelve battleground states is critical. Once we establish Forward as a formidable force within these states, we’ll not just win battles – we’ll set off a domino effect, toppling barriers and clearing the way for all states. Ripples from our early triumphs in these battlegrounds will become waves of change that reach every corner of our nation. I’m not just excited for this plan, I’m inspired by the potential of what we can achieve together. With every domino that falls, with every new dive into our warm waters, confidence will spread as we forge Forward.”
  • FORWARD OHIO | Daniel Kline, Donald Wiggins Jr. Esq., “This strategic realignment brings immense hope and opportunity to Ohio. It’s a crucial step towards not only achieving ballot access but also introducing a fresh, dynamic political party to the state. It’s truly exciting to envision the transformative potential this shift holds. We anticipate this will lead to a more vibrant and representative democracy, where the diverse intellectual, socioeconomic, and lived experiences of Ohioans are reflected and respected. This shift, undoubtedly, moves Ohio forward. 
  • FORWARD PENNSYLVANIA | Christian Fyke, “Here in Pennsylvania, we are heading to Gettysburg next week to install officers and adopt bylaws. We are excited about the timing of the announcement that Pennsylvania has been identified as one of the battleground states. It is time to get to work. We aim to deliver key wins for Pennsylvania and beyond. We will only be able to do so with the support and encouragement of other states across the region and country. It is wonderful to have a network of tremendous leaders working together towards a unified goal.”


The Forward Party is a political movement that recognizes the importance of strategic planning, unity, and determination. As we head into this exciting new phase of our journey, we are keenly aware that it’s not just about winning the battleground states. It’s about pushing forward a new kind of party that prioritizes the needs and concerns of everyday Americans across the nation. 

But we are more than just a party — we are a community. A community bound by shared values and a vision for a better tomorrow. This strategic focus on the battleground states will undoubtedly bring challenges, but when has that ever stopped us? As we step into 2024, we are motivated, committed, and ready to fight for our vision of a forward-thinking America.


This journey we’ve embarked on is not just ours—it’s yours too. The Forward Party is a grassroots movement, powered by the people. Every bit of progress we make is thanks to individuals like you, who believe in the necessity for a more unified, forward-thinking America.

Your support is more than just a donation; it’s an investment in a better future for our nation. It allows us to put forth credible, problem-solving candidates, to navigate the challenges in battleground states, and to bring our message to the millions of Americans ready for change.

We can’t do this without you. Together, we can move America forward. Thank you for your support.

Nate Allen

Author: Ali Backscheider, Director of Growth Strategy | Forward Party