Because it’s the right thing to do. Problems that affect our communities are left unsolved by two parties that would rather fundraise on them than fix them. Politically motivated violence driven by extreme partisanship has become alarmingly common and widespread. People are distraught, disillusioned, and scared for the future of our democracy. No wonder nearly 60% of American voters say they want a new party, and 50% are no longer members of either major party.
A fishing community in Alaska, a metropolis in the Midwest, and a rural county in Georgia aren’t necessarily going to have the same interests or priorities. Yet, the two major parties hand down one-size-fits-all national platforms and expect us all to conform to one or the other. Ridiculous. We’re reforming the system so that independent-minded candidates outside the two major parties have access to compete with them on equal footing in every state. The state Forward parties determine their own priorities, not Washington. And individual candidates develop innovative policy solutions around those priorities. The rest is up to the voters.
Simple…we stand for the American people. We’ve been effectively shut out of the system, and it shows. But with more access, better choices, and a bigger voice at the table, the people will power a new American renaissance that breaks through dysfunction and heals our political culture. Through collaboration rather than polarization, we’ll advance realistic, sensible solutions that move us forward and past the extremes. Whether it’s abortion, climate change, or gun safety — the two major parties aren’t getting the job done. Keeping the fights going keeps them funded and employed, while the American people lose. Enough is enough. It’s time to move Not Left, Not Right, but Forward.
No. The systemic reforms Forward supports eliminate the spoiler effect that drives voters to support the lesser of two evils. Our current “winner-take-all” electoral system is a zero-sum-game that rewards candidates for smearing their opponents and for taking extreme stances on highly divisive issues. With reforms like ranked-choice voting and open, nonpartisan primaries, candidates are instead incentivized to appeal to the majority of voters. There are 520,000+ elected positions in the U.S., but under the current system, 70+% are uncontested. How’s that working out for us? We believe everyone deserves better choices—for some of us, maybe for the first time ever.
Any candidate who puts the interests of their constituents above ideology and works to heal divides rather than exploit them is a potential Forward candidate, whether they run on a Forward ticket or not. We’re unique in that we will cross-endorse candidates from other parties as well, if their values are in line with ours. So there are “Forward Democrats” and “Forward Republicans” out there, and we’re pleased to support them and work with them on shared priorities. Look here or on social media for updates about our official slate of candidates and endorsements ahead of local, state, and national elections.
NO. The Forward Party will not run a presidential candidate in 2024. We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to fix our politics, and seizing that opportunity takes precedence over the headline-grabbing spectacle of the presidential race, especially when the rules of that election are intentionally devised to preclude competition. Instead, our energy is concentrated on real, lasting change earned through the steady and deliberate work of electoral reform and national party building. Forward Party members are already engaged in that crucial work, gathering signatures and gaining legal recognition in states across the country.
Third parties have worked in the past—that’s exactly how the Republican Party got started. They offered something new, different, and better at that moment in history. We think it’s time for something new, different, and better right now. The Forward Party is building a grassroots movement from the ground up, empowering local leaders instead of centralizing power. It’s about time a party put power back in the hands of the people.
Absolutely. We don’t care about the letter next to your name. Forward is full of hardworking people from all across the political spectrum. If you are a problem-solver willing to work with people in good faith, you’re already a Forwardist—you just didn’t know it! So go ahead and make it official. Sign up today!
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